National Voter Registration Day – A Celebration of Our Democracy

National Voter Registration Day Graphic

Every Vote Matters, Every Voice Counts

Each year, September marks a crucial time in our democratic process – National Voter Registration Day. Since its launch in 2012, this nonpartisan civic holiday has made a profound impact by helping more than 5 million Americans register to vote. National Voter Registration Day serves as a reminder that participation in our democracy is a right and a responsibility for every eligible citizen.

What Is National Voter Registration Day?

National Voter Registration Day is not just another day on the calendar; it’s a movement. It’s a nationwide effort to bring people together with a single mission: ensuring that every eligible voter is ready to make their voice heard at the polls. This one-day event sees thousands of partners from diverse backgrounds, including nonprofits, local governments, businesses, and celebrities, working in harmony to encourage voter registration.

Through both in-person and digital outreach, volunteers and organizations conduct events across the country. They hit the streets, campuses, community centers, and online platforms to engage potential voters, helping them register and ensuring they are ready for the next election. The collaboration is as patriotic as it gets – one day dedicated to growing our shared democracy.

Why Is National Voter Registration Day Important?

Democracy thrives when citizens actively participate. However, millions of eligible voters miss out on casting their ballots because they aren’t registered or don’t update their information in time. National Voter Registration Day addresses this gap by focusing on raising awareness and providing easy access to voter registration resources.

The holiday isn’t just about registering new voters – it’s also about reminding current voters to update their registration details, especially if they’ve moved, changed names, or experienced other life events that may affect their voter eligibility.

Who Supports National Voter Registration Day?

National Voter Registration Day has garnered widespread support from civic organizations and election officials alike. It is endorsed by key national organizations such as:

  • The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS)

  • The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)

  • The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC)

  • The National Association of Election Officials (The Election Center)

These endorsements reflect the significance of the day and its alignment with official efforts to ensure smooth and fair elections across the nation.

How You Can Get Involved

There are several ways you can participate in National Voter Registration Day. You can:

  • Register to Vote: If you’re not registered yet, use this day to get yourself on the voter rolls. It’s quick and easy, and the benefits last a lifetime.

  • Check Your Registration Status: Already registered? Take a moment to confirm that your information is up-to-date.

  • Spread the Word: Share the importance of voter registration with your friends, family, and community. Use social media to spread awareness and encourage others to register.

  • Volunteer: Join the efforts on the ground or online by volunteering with an organization that’s making an impact.

Final Thoughts

National Voter Registration Day is about more than just filling out a form – it’s about empowering people to engage in the democratic process. By ensuring that everyone who is eligible is registered and ready to vote, we take an important step toward ensuring that our democracy is representative of all voices.

At The UnBossed Project, we believe that civic participation is the cornerstone of a strong, thriving democracy. We encourage you to take part in this critical effort and make sure your voice is counted. Register today, and let’s keep democracy thriving!