Register to Vote Today!

Why Your Vote Matters

Every election shapes our community, state, and country. By voting, you have the power to decide on issues that directly affect your life, from healthcare to education, to public safety and climate change. Make your voice heard by registering to vote today.

Who Can Register to Vote?

To be eligible to vote, you must meet certain requirements. Generally, these include:

  • Being a citizen of the United States

  • Being at least 18 years old by Election Day

  • Meeting your state’s residency requirements

  • Not being disqualified due to a felony conviction (varies by state)

Make sure to check the specific eligibility requirements for your state by using the voter registration tool below.

How to Register

We've made it easy for you to register online. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Enter your basic information into the form below.

  2. Verify your details and ensure all the information is accurate.

  3. Submit the form, and you’re all set!

Don’t wait—register to vote today to ensure you’re eligible for upcoming elections!

Key Deadlines

Be sure to register before the voter registration deadline in your state. You can find these deadlines and other important voting dates on your state’s election website.

Already Registered?

If you’re already registered, it’s a good idea to double-check your registration status. Use the tool below to confirm your voter registration and ensure your information is up-to-date.

Your voice matters—and so does your support. Help us continue our work and empower more voters across the nation!