Understanding Elections:

Voting is a cornerstone of democracy, empowering citizens to influence the direction of their government at every level. Below, you'll find essential information about the U.S. election process, with links to trusted government websites where you can learn more and take action. Whether you're looking to understand how elections work, register to vote, or find your polling place, these resources will guide you through every step of the process.

Your Guide to the U.S. Electoral Process

Congressional Elections and Midterm Elections

Learn about the critical role of Congressional and Midterm elections in determining the balance of power in Congress. Understand how your vote influences national legislation and policy.

Explore how Congressional and Midterm elections shape our government and why your vote matters.

State and Local Elections

State and local elections shape the policies that directly affect your community. Find out why voting in these elections is just as important as voting in national elections.

Learn about state and local elections and their impact on your community.

Presidential Election Process

Explore the full process of electing the President of the United States, from the initial primaries to the final vote count. Understand each step and how it leads to the election of the nation’s leader.

Understand the process of electing the President, from primaries to the Electoral College.

Requirements for Presidential Candidates

What does it take to run for President? Discover the constitutional requirements and other key qualifications necessary for someone to be eligible for the presidency.

Find out what it takes to run for President of the United States.

Primaries and Caucuses

Primaries and caucuses are the beginning of the presidential election journey. Learn how these preliminary contests determine which candidates advance to the national conventions.

Discover how primaries and caucuses work and their role in the presidential election.

National Conventions

National conventions are where the presidential candidates are officially nominated. Delve into the significance of these conventions and their role in the election process.

Learn about the significance of national conventions in the presidential election process.

Presidential General Election

The general election is the final stage in choosing the President. Find out how the election is conducted and why every vote matters in deciding who will lead the country.

Get details on the presidential general election and how your vote influences the outcome.

Electoral College

The Electoral College is a cornerstone of U.S. presidential elections. Understand how it operates, its historical roots, and its impact on the outcome of the election.

Understand the Electoral College and its impact on the presidential election.